24 July 2015

LAE, Trafoworld & Trafogrid Alliance Partners will participate to Coiltech 2015 (September 23rd – 24th) – Pordenone (Italy); we will be glad to welcome you at our stand O16 – O18!

The World Magnetic Conference (WMC), yearly hosted by Coiltech fair, represents a strategic opportunity to discover the latest innovations in the field of electrical machines. The main goal is to increase interaction and exchange of skills and experiences among academic world, industry, research centers and associations.

On September 23rd don’t miss the chance to attend WMC – LAE & Trafogrid Alliance Partners will held a seminar whose title is “Innovation in the production of high quality transformers”. The seminar will begin at around 11:30 A.M.


The continuous evolution of Transformers Quality is being accelerated this year, with the introduction during last July 2015 of the new EU-MEPS (European Minimum Energy Performance Standard). It actually identifies transformers as one of the priority groups with considerable energy saving potential.  All that impacts on the design of transformers as well as on their production process.

Since 2011, Trafogrid Alliance has been connecting companies producing machines for the manufacturing of Transmission and Distribution transformers; the Alliance was created to supply innovative and competitive solutions for producers of transformers, on several levels:
– Level of single machine, according to the latest technology
– Level of process improvement, with an investment optimization into existing plants
– Level of new process, when the supply of a turnkey plant is required

Some short presentations will be given, regarding slitting lines, core technology, cutting lines & stackers, oil treatment, drying systems and welding technology, as examples of quality enhanced by sinergies.

The participants will be encouraged to develop synergies too, with a special invitation to join the virtual space



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