LAE FRS is a patented technology in operation since 2018 with dozens of installations worldwide.
Today it is possible to maximize the working time of the cutting machine thanks to the Fast Replacement System: the coil change is now automatic and quicker than ever.
Changing the coil has always been an issue in building the transformer core: for this reason, many machine builders designed automatic coil loading systems.
However, traditional solutions still require the cutting machine to be stopped while changing the coil. This brings a negligible increase in productivity despite the significant economic investment.
Here was the challenge for LAE: to develop a system allowing the coil to be automatically changed, while minimizing the machine stopping time.
LAE's first fundamental intuition was to create a double feeding path: while the coil being cut runs on one feeding slide, the following coil is loaded automatically on another slide.
In this way, the coil loading takes place while the machine is cutting, exponentially increasing the cutting productivity.
LAE's second intuition was to arrange the double path as two overlapping slides. With this layout, there is no need to move the decoilers during the coil change, as it would be if the slides were arranged side by side.
The operator can therefore stay and work safely in the loading area while the machine is cutting or the system is changing the coil.
In 2018 LAE successfully installed the first line equipped with FRS - Fast Replacement System and patented the system. The line was equipped with a LAE Robot Stacker, able to build up to four cores simultaneously and automatically.
With these two patented solutions, LAE's lines are today the most advanced in the world. Such fully equipped lines bring in one place and to their maximum efficiency two different processes, traditionally carried out by two separate departments.
This has a huge impact on all the operations, bringing enormous savings on internal logistics, required space and labour costs.
Many core and transformer manufacturers worldwide are already benefiting from the performance and versatility of LAE FRS system.
Changing coil causes in fact enormous efficiency reductions on both robotic systems and traditional cutting lines. LAE FRS can equip both, making this issue a thing of the past.
Manufacturers of cores and transformers can now position themselves at the top of their sector and obtain an immediate competitive advantage with LAE, the most experienced partner in robotic solutions for cutting and stacking magnetic cores.
As always, our goal is to continously improve our products’ quality and functionality.
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