LAE’s FRS nominated @ Coiltech Innovation 2019

10 October 2019

Lamination FRS (Fast Replacing System) is the innovative LAE coil automatic change system that can be featured with LAE core cutting lines for production of electric transformers cores with step lap system.

The automation of the lamination replacement into the cutting machine, reduces drastically the average time for the operation from the current approximately 10 mins to only 15 seconds, with significant advantages on the productivity, especially with different lamination widths.

The FRS permits the replacement of the lamination inside the cutting line in 15 seconds and in a full automatic way. The system will take back the previous lamination width and insert the new one, according to the set program. These actions can be operated, on safety conditions, during the automatic functioning of the line.

Models that can be featured with FRS are TO 25 Agile (production of cores for transformer power ratings ranging from 50 to 2500 KVA), TO 30 Veloce (production of cores for transformer power ratings ranging from 50 to 2500 KVA) and last LAE innovation TO 45 Veloce (production of cores for transformer power ratings ranging from 160 to 6300 KVA). What is more, the machines can be equipped with the innovative robotic stacker, allowing to cut and assembly in a single production phase.




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